Thursday 15 May 2008

Mid May

Can't believe May is half over now. I was poorly last week sick in the middle of Thursday night. I have no idea what caused it. But I spent Friday feeling yuck and the week end recovering. I missed going to a concert Saturday evening with John and although I am quite happy not going places I would have gone if I had felt OK.

There has been no work this week and I have been bravely waiting for the phone to ring and dash off to a school that is close enough to get to by bus. No pay this week as there was no work last week and it looks like the same again. Except the agency did ring at 1 20pm wanting me to go on two buses to a school for the rest of the afternoon. I have been busy in the house all morning having thought that there was no school today. I turned it down and they didn't seem happy but o wouldn't have got there until at least 2 pm. I can hear you thinking well it would be money in the bank. You had to be here to see what a rush it would be.

I have done a bit of Ye Olde Chocolate shoppe once I had recovered from feeling poorly. I am pleased how well its going.

I am doing other things as well but they are secrets and can't be shown at the moment.

Tia the little Tabby we acquired at Christmas has settled in well and has her funny little routines. which she changes every now and again. She used to spend most of the day upstairs sleeping which was good because I could go in and out to the garden with out her escaping. But then she decided that the kitchen chair was better. This week she is sleeping on a comfy chair in the living room. Yesterday she found the laundry basket and John decided she needed a ride in it.

Being poorly thwarted my plans to go to town to get the latest Katharine Kerr book but I finally bought it on Monday.
I finally started it last night because had been re reading the previous one. There is one more to go which should be out next year all being well. Every now and again I re read the whole series. It is the only series I could read and read and read.

Biddle is back in his cricket jumper and is looking forward to the end of the month when he is off to Liverpool to celebrate his birthday. His only regret being that he wont be queuing in the footie shop for his cup winner's mug:(


Shashi Nayagam said...

Thank you Wendy for your lovely comments. Sorry to hear that you too have been poorly. Hope you are feeling better now. You little kitty is lovely

Terri M said...

MMmmm, I'm all smiles for chocolate! :)

LoriRay said...

How awful to be sick and miss the concert. I'm so sorry! :( I am a firm believer that everything happens for a reason -- there is a reason you weren't supposed to be at that concert. We may never know that reason, but there is one. Glad you are feeling better now.

Love the cat! I'm a cat person myself. :)

Pumpkin said...

Oh, you've been stitching! That is coming along nicely :o)

Your kitty is just gorgeous! I love her coloring!

Thank you so much for the kind words you wrote on my Blog Wendy. I really appreciate them at this time and I so miss talking to you!