.... is now half over and this is my first post. Not a good start to the year. We have had some snow but it was very little and it did not last. But it did bring birds to the garden
We usually only have a couple of blackbirds but this year there have been five or six on the back grass, both male and female. The sparrow population has dropped considerably over the last few years. But there are more blue-tits. It will be interesting to see who turns up for the Big Bird Watch at the end of the month.
I am just about to do my first post too - why do we beat ourselves eh? Yes the birds are very keen to eat the many treats we leave out for our visitors. Dx
We've got an unflux of starlings at the moment, they seem to be scaring all the others away.
We have had some birds I have not seen for a while. I saw a wren, a thrush I think it was a thrush and the usual bluetits, black birds and dunnocks. I am hoping to do the bird watch but I have my dollclub meeting to go to too so will have to get up really early😀
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