Saturday, 9 January 2016

Some of the makes in 2015

Three woven bags. Two were commisions and one I sent as a surprise
Three neckwarmers: two presents and one for myself. The yarn is by Bergere de France

Two different styles of snowmen:
 This one is a kit I bought at the Knitting and stitching show in November. He knitted up very quickly. The yarn was produced in Yorkshire. I cannot find the link at the moment. But the lady I bought it from was very friendly and has lots of sheep.
And this from a Sirdar pattern I bought the previous year. I was pleased with the result but the yarn like many of the fancy yarns is difficult if you drop a stitch.

Another yarn that is difficult if you drop a stitch. But I do love the results.

 I made two robins
 Hedgehog was a Christmas gift.

and an owl for John's parliament. You can see he has found a robin friend.

 Birthday bunting
and some for Christmas.

Two reindeer from an old magazine pattern. I loved making these and might make some more with adaptions.

Some cloths which look too nice to use.

Two angels I really enjoyed making these and they look so different.

These three should be cushions but I have not got around to finishing them. So they will probably show up again at some point.

A birthday wall hanging with butterflies and dragonflies.

I was really pleased with this hat because I mastered circular needles.

An easy pattern and some yarn I bought at Yarndale.

And of course posh rabbit
There are a couple of things missing because I forgotten to photograph them before they went away as gifts.


Julie said...

Fabulous collection of handmade goodies you created last year, well done.

mrsnesbitt said...

WOW! Clever you - such a range of lovely items too. I was just saying somewhere else when our DIY projects are finished I will have to make a list of things to do - and learning to knit is up there with good intentions list. lol!