Tuesday, 6 January 2015

New Year

We are nearly a week into this new year already. The weather has been mixed and the snow that appeared on Boxing day night had just about gone by New Year's Eve.

Tia ventured forth and did not reckon much of it. She decided she was better off in a warm kitchen.
Yesterday I took down all the Christmas decorations. They take me several days to put up and then it's a bit hectic getting them all down in one go before the 6th. I cheat though and keep the snowman out until Spring.

I have lots of projects in the offing for this year. I have plenty of yarn to knit up or weave. Some I bought at the Knitting and Stitching show back in November and then I went to the betwixt event at Texere on 27th December. I chose patterns and yarn to make small things so they will get finished. The weaving on the loom has been there for months and did not grow very quickly so I am taking that off and going back to chunkier yarn with a fancy one thrown in.

After reading Terri's blog I have decided to have a go at the Book Riot Read Harder Challenge. You choose books from different categories and I thought that this would get me away from the enevitable detective books I read. Though saying that  I could use detective stories for many of the categories I will try hard not too. It is 24 books in all so roughly two a  month. You can link it in to Good reads but I am gopin gto do it informally in a nice notebook  and maybe keep track of it all on here. I am looking forward to getting started.

This maybe the year I get to grips with crochet but on the other hand it probably wont be. pathetic I know. My excuse there are only 24 hours in a day and plenty to keep me busy.

a little chap come to say
Happy New Year


Twiggy said...

Lovely photos. I like the look of the reading challenge, like you I always go for crime fiction and feel I really limit myself.
Crochet is on my to learn list every year, being left handed my Mum just can't teach me but a colleague reliably informs me there are tutorials on youtube that would help.
Happy new year.

middleangel said...

Great photos,what is the plant with the berries? I am into fantasy fiction with Faeries and witches etc. I like crime fiction Have you read Peter James his detective series is set in Brighton.

Soggibottom said...

It's always good to see the blackbirds back. Don't blame Tia one bit for not wanting to go out in the cold :-) x x x

Julie said...

Good luck with the book challenge, its always nice to curl up with a good book.

Shashi Nayagam said...

I look forward to seeing your projects. I would love snow just for Christmas day :-)

Mike@Bit About Britain said...

Lovely shots of the blackbird!