Monday, 16 June 2014


This is the tree that stood in front of our row of houses. It was always there . Marked the seasons.

Last Wednesday two men and a petrol driven saw did this. When challenged they said they were from the council.  When the petrol ran out they left.

On Friday the real councilworkers came

This is all that is left.

I knew it could not be saved but words cannot describe how angry and upset I am.


Sally said...

That is disgusting Wendy. Why would anyone do that.

Angie in T.O. said...

Aw, I am so sorry. I love the trees too, they are like guardians watching over us, and I totally understand about marking the seasons for you. I know it will not be the same, but will you be able to plant a new tree?

Soggibottom said...

Vandals and such a shame.. xxx