Friday 16 November 2012

Walks Blackbirds and things

We enjoyed our walk so much that last weekend we went on another little jaunt. Same area but from a different starting point. Biddle came as well.

We saw another stream ( or maybe the same one). The week had been quite windy so there were far less leaves on the trees. However it was much warmer and i didn't need to wear my gloves all the time.

During this week I have seen the blackbirds although I only managed to capture Mrs Blackbird on camera.
I miss them in the couple of months they are gone. The males stop singing in August and then they all disappear for September and October. I like to think I get the same ones back but I don't think they are.

Forgot to photograph the excellent parsnip from the allotment. I hope we get some more. We have also had a few Brussel sprouts too.

Nothing to show on the sewing front but hope too later on.

Thank you if you read and especially if you comment. I try to  send replies but don't always get around to it for one reason or another.


Angea said...

Lovely again. You'll be getting a little webcam out there soon and sending blogs to U tube?

Mary Ann Tate said...

We had high winds which blew all the leaves away...good for raking:)

Shashi Nayagam said...

Ours will finish falling this week I think only one tree left to fall