Saturday, 19 May 2012

Busy week...

... I finished my school stint a week ago so this week I have been catching up stuff. A visit to the doctor's  surgery for a medication check resulted in two more appointments!  Cholesterol blood test and a smear test. I knew they were due. I just know the cholesterol will not be good.

Then on Tuesday the gasman came nothing to do with this just the annual boiler check. Seems it is the week for checks.  A fairly quiet day on Wednesday but did not manage any sewing although the latest knitting was almost finished.

John was off for a couple of days and on Thursday afternoon he walked to a "local" pond to get some water for ours. It seems it is something one should do. So in the evening I went with him to  record the ceremony. There is a video too but I can never get them to load on here.

On Friday I went to stock up on library books as I had run out. I also looked at new walking boots but the pair I liked were too tight across the left toes and they did not have a larger size. Well size 8 (UK) is big enough! In the evening we went to the last classical concert of the season. Looking forward to the next one.

Tia has been her usual lazy self. She said she was keeping it warm for John. We believe you Tia.

I wish the weather would cheer up. Nearly midday and it is 6 degrees C


mrsnesbitt said...

I have just managed to load a video - took most of the morning but hopefully worth it! Yes the weather is dreadful. Sorting out the airing cupboard today! Wow - do I know how to live eh? lol!

Mary Ann Tate said...

It's sunny today and quite hot for May. Makes a change from rain:) I was getting sick and tired of wetness.

I'm having a giveaway over here......

Soggibottom said...

I don't upload video's as often as I used to.. because sometime's it's easier to upload via something else.... I WILL TELL YOU :-)
All and all looks like a busy week..
Ah ... Tia, just looking at you, Definiatly could give Frankie de tabby a run for his money:-)
What a little silver star you are.
Hey John, keep up the good work :-) LUVS :-) :-)
Lots and lots of love to everyone at chez Wendy Carole's as always
:-) X X X

Soggibottom said...

Going for Sunday Coffee as usual tomorrow... pics will follow, always especially for you :-) X X X