Monday, 6 February 2012


At the weekend we had some snow. Of course it has not been as dreadful as the snow they had in London because they have a far superior kind that causes so much more inconvenience!
The Met had been predicting snow for days but drivers still managed to get stuck on motor ways. I thought in this technological age they would all have an app to warn of them of inclement weather.
Any way ours has not lasted long and is nearly gone now.

The birds all needed extra food and the ice broken on their water dish.

Even mousie braved the cold to stock up. At one stage he was sharing the cage with some sparrows and a blackbird.

The thrush came into the garden for a crust dropped by a pigeon.

Today I did some felting by mistake

one of the first pair of fingerless gloves I made was hidden in the washing. That will teach me to check before I load. Any ideas what I could make with it would be appreciated.

I have secret sewing but I have been practising stitching in the ditch. It is a bit wobbly but not too bad for a first go.

Thanks for leaving comments on the previous post


mrsnesbitt said...

How do you felt? I have endless mishaps with the washing machine - this must be a craft made for me!

Ange said...

Snow is still well and truly here. Lovely and sunny but treacherous underfoot so I don't feel confident going out on my own.

Hope we don't get that Scottish type of stuff next week that cancelled the Inverness to Glasgow service when we came down in December.

I saw field fares the other day on the grass.

Wrist warmers are doing a lovely job atm xxx

Sally said...

We've still got snow on the ground here. It's been so cold so it's just not shifting much. Not that I'm complaining! lol!

Mary Ann Tate said...

It's funny to see so much snow in Britain when we here in Canada have had so little this year.

Pumpkin said...

Again you can keep any snow you get ;o) LOL!

Can't you still use that glove?