Wednesday, 28 December 2011

A quiet Christmas

These little chaps were pockets 24 and 25 on the fabric advent calendar.

They were a DMC kit I had in the stash for ages. Last year I finally got around to cutting them out but the foot intervened before I could make them. So one afternoon last week I settled down in the kitchen all snug by the fire with a film on "Christmas 24" and made them.. I had to supply the black and red ribbon as the original had got lost or borrowed.

We had a quiet little Christmas but as usual I had some lovely gifts.

The book is about tree bark and there are some amazing pictures that I hope will inspire me to make something from fabric. I love tree bark and often take photographs when we are out and about. The wee elephant is called Eddie and it seems he is into all things Christmas especially alcohol. This was confirmed when I found him here this morning

The western dvds will keep me occupied when using the exercise bike. I have still got to lose last Christmas's weight gain as well as this year's lot.

Libby and Steve came on Tuesday and we had more presents

a new elephant calendar, a wooden elephant for the herd and some note books. I love note books. I have many, all with empty pages, waiting for me to find something worthy to write in them.

I mentioned in the last post a package arrived from Soggibottom. Tia had some very scrummy chews. Well she said they were scrummy I didn't try them personally

Inside my package was pair of gloves.

They are wonderful with decorative beads and butterfly buttons to hold the loops in place. I was very impressed as they are knitted in 4ply yarn. I never knit in 4ply! Thank you Michele.

I don't know what the Christmas santas were up to but they were not making a very good job of keeping out the gale blowing under the door.

Thank you if you visited


lisahgolden said...

Merry belated Christmas. I always enjoy catching up with you. And what pretty gloves!

Wishing you a wonderful 2012.

Mary Ann Tate said...

Tia looks just like my Deva:) Hmmmm. you better watch that Eddie...he looks like a very naughty elephant.

Angie in T.O. said...

Happy Christmas Wendy! We had a lovely, quiet one as well. :)

Soggibottom said...

Ah, bless and you have called me Michele :-) :-) Wendy you knit, so knitting for you had to be a challange :-)
Have a very happy NEW YEAR DEAR FRIENDS X X X X X XX

Pumpkin said...

Ahhhhh, sounds like Santa definitely found you ;o) Glad you had a wonderful Christmas and those are some lovely gifts.

Happy New Year!