Wednesday, 9 September 2015

Autumn is here

and we barely had a summer! This seems to be the norm for the last few years. if we had two warm days we were lucky this year. However we still enjoyed our holiday in Scotland.
 This included a trip  by bus to Stranraer and then another bus to Port Patrick. The journey ended with a mad dash to find the "facilities" which were not too far away.
 We had a lovely walk along the cliff tops and could look down on the seabirds
 or up.
We had our usual trip to the Cream of Galloway via the seashore
 and Biddle found a jelly fish
and did a bit of rock climbing.

On our second week we had a lovely day in Southport took loads of photographs and right at the end of the day the camera card messed up and I lost them all.


Mary Ann Tate said...

We've had an awful summer as well. One extreme to the other. This last week we had a heat wave. Finally some heat but it's too hot....36C do anything outside.

Shashi Nayagam said...

Beautiful place. Glad you had a great time

Julie said...

I love to see boats in the harbour.
What a shame your camera card was naughty!

Sally said...

Lovely photos from your trip.

We've not had too bad a summer really here on the coast. We had some lovely warm days really.